The Relationship Between Alcohol & Crime: Why You Need an Alcohol Monitoring Program

Alcohol abuse is a contributing factor in thousands of crimes committed in the U.S each year. COVID-19 and social-distancing protocols have only added to alcohol-related crimes. Alcohol sales increased 21% from June 2019 to June 2020, along with violent crime.1 Commonly associated with drinking and driving traffic fatalities, research proves that alcohol is an integral part of most crimes. The influence of alcohol and addiction creates problems at every level of the corrections process; therefore, it’s important that agencies have an effective alcohol monitoring program in place.

Scope of Alcohol-Related Crimes in the U.S.2

Many individuals end up in the criminal justice system because they committed crimes while intoxicated:

  • 1/3 of traffic-related deaths are alcohol-related
  • 25-50% of assaults involve alcohol
  • Over 60% of domestic violence accounts report the perpetrator had been drinking
  • Nearly 40% of child abusers have admitted to being under the influence of alcohol during the abuse
  • 30%- 40% of reported sexual assaults, including rapes, are committed by a perpetrator under the influence

Benefits of an Alcohol Monitoring Program

Alcoholism is a progressive disease, and while incarceration may stop the use of alcohol, oftentimes it does not cure the addiction. While on probation or parole, many individuals continue to struggle with their addiction, and this often contributes to reoffending. In other cases, parolees or probationers may avoid criminal activity, but their addiction makes it difficult to comply with sentence requirements. A variety of proven technology alcohol detection solutions are available to monitor individuals under community supervision.

An effective alcohol monitoring program can:

  • Enhance public safety
  • Ease jail overcrowding and its cost to the taxpayer
  • Help individuals pay for their own treatment and monitoring
  • Enhance treatment efforts
  • Address the needs of low- to high-risk individuals

Trusted Leader in Alcohol Monitoring Solutions

BI Incorporated offers a full continuum of alcohol monitoring technologies that enable agencies, courts, and law professionals to efficiently and cost-effectively manage the sobriety of low- to high-risk individuals. Our court-admissible solutions are designed to drive compliance and accountability while individuals undergo treatment in the community.

Transdermal detection for high-risk participants:

BI TAD®, or Transdermal Alcohol Detector, continuously monitors for alcohol consumption through a noninvasive skin sensor worn on a client’s ankle. TAD also includes radio frequency monitoring capabilities so clients can be monitored for curfews and alcohol use with the same device. Learn more

Mobile breathalyzer for low- to high-risk participants:

The BI SL3® handheld alcohol detection device enables individuals to submit BrAC tests discretely while they work, attend school, and live in the community. Equipped with LTE technology to support next-generation alcohol monitoring, this breathalyzer is a discreet yet powerful solution. Learn more

1“Preventing Violence in American Cities with Safer Alcohol Sales.” de Beaumont Foundation. Accessed August 4, 2021.

2“Alcohol-Related Crime.” Addiction Center, June 16, 2021.

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