Monitoring Services
BI Agency AssistBI Agency Assist
Call Center & TrainingCall Center & Training

BI Agency Assist® is a high-touch service option, designed to increase agency coverage and relieve officers of up to 50% of their time spent on administrative tasks. With growing caseloads, centralized data and streamlined case management are vital to keeping communities safe and officers efficient.
BI Agency Assist® Features
- 24/7 live support
- Contact Documentation: A paperless data entry solution for officers to dictate and record notes while in the field
- Scheduling: Live specialists take client calls to verify, schedule, or amend appointments
- Enhanced Monitoring: Support specialists handle alerts and escalation to reduce officer alert flow
- Client Docs: Upload, store, and access client records in one system to reduce paperwork and streamline record-keeping
- Automated Services: Clients use Interactive Voice Response (IVR) technology to check-in, make contact updates, receive reminders, and more
Backed By
the Best
For more than 40 years, BI team members have helped agencies of any size expand their impact on community safety and ensure that individuals meet the conditions of their release. We provide corrections agencies with an array of monitoring services, including monitoring operations and training, administrative support, and data management to meet each agency’s unique needs and budgets.

Industry Leading Call Centers
When it comes to support, BI is respected as the most experienced, skilled, and accurate monitoring services option in electronic monitoring. Our U.S.-based call centers collaborate daily with supervising officers, manage client questions, provide insightful reports, continuous training, and more.
Call Center Features
- 24/7 live support
- Alert triage to reduce officer workload
- Rapid response for officer questions
- Bilingual services
- Single platform data management software
- Flexible tiers of support
Expert Training
To help agencies and supervising officers maximize the capabilities of their electronic monitoring systems, BI delivers continuous expert training through online classes, webinars, and on-site training. We work with each agency to tailor training to meet their goals and objectives, from program implementation through refresher sessions.