National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Releases Key Findings on Alcohol and Drug Monitoring for Community Supervision

Man using a BI SL3, symbolizing the importance of effective drug and alcohol monitoring in community supervision.

A concise synopsis, has been developed based on the Alcohol and Drug Monitoring for Community Supervision brief released by the National Institute of Justice’s (NIJ) Criminal Justice Testing and Evaluation Consortium in August 2023.

The brief is designed to support agencies tasked with monitoring individuals released to community supervision through the use of alcohol and drug detection devices.

This synopsis covers key points which include:

  • Providing reliable, timely, and cost-effective monitoring of alcohol and drug use for persons on community supervision as a condition of their release is a serious challenge given high-volume caseloads and concerns with public safety.
  • Innovation in drug monitoring is hindered by technological limitations, such as the ability to test multiple substances and logistical challenges.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic acutely affected alcohol and drug monitoring.
  • Although remote solutions for alcohol monitoring are on the market and are used in the context of community supervision, the equivalent for drug monitoring does not exist.
  • Alcohol and drug monitoring solutions play a role in community supervision today, but research is needed to understand the impact on recidivism and behavior change.

For those interested in a deeper exploration of these topics, the synopsis provides a link to the full brief.

Download the synopsis for a comprehensive, yet concise overview of the critical role alcohol and drug monitoring plays in effective community supervision.

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