Technology Trend Series, Part 4: Evidence-Based Population Management

BI Technology Trend Series

Part 4 of our series covers Evidence-based Population Management from the Corrections Tech 2020: Technological Trends in Custodial and Community Corrections white paper. Recidivism reduction remains a primary goal of correctional agencies throughout the country, and over the past decade, extensive research has focused on technology to accelerate these efforts. Recent legislation has relied on data to develop new strategies and approaches to criminal justice reform. For example, the Justice Reinvestment Initiative (JRI), developed by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), leverages data to generate cost savings that can be reinvested in high-performing public strategies.1 As the population of individuals under community supervision continues to grow, future correctional funds will shift towards technology that combines electronic monitoring with reentry programming.

Key Takeaways

  • Predictive Performance to Reduce Recidivism: Validated risk/needs assessments will become more sophisticated to predict offender risk, drive decisions, and modify program delivery. Today, states use different risk/needs assessments, but efforts to centralize the data are underway. Several states already have databases that pull offender data from probation, parole, and service provider sources to forecast outcomes.
  • Service Delivery Enhancements: The demand for electronic monitoring technology that connects individuals to community service providers is expected to rise as community referrals become a larger component of offender case management. Agencies will seek technology that provides real-time communication and recordkeeping between community providers supporting health, housing, employment, education, and child welfare.
  • Agency Collaboration: New collaborative tools such as messaging, audio, and video conferencing have great potential to foster closer working relationships between correctional staff and community partners.
  • Data Collection: Advanced algorithms that examine evidence-based data will have a significant impact on sentencing, correctional policies, and community supervision.

Cost-Saving Solutions for Agencies

BI understands the challenges agencies face due to prison overcrowding and tight correctional budgets. Our full continuum of electronic monitoring products coupled with evidence-based programming is a cost-effective way to enhance public safety. Learn how we helped Lycoming County, in Pennsylvania, alleviate jail overcrowding and generate savings.

1Evidence-Based Decision Making in Local Criminal Justice Systems, National Institute of Corrections., accessed February 15, 2016.  

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